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The Plain Juan Tub Chair combines the classic elegance of our original Juan Tub Chair with a sleeker, more contemporary design. Featuring a solid hardwood frame, this chair boasts a fixed, semi-rounded back and a flat, sprung seat with comprehensive interior padding. Upholstered in smooth grey leatherette, it offers both robust support and a slightly softer sitting experience compared to the classic model. The Plain Juan’s modern touch and refined craftsmanship make it an ideal choice for stylish, comfortable seating.


  • Material: Leatherette
  • Color: Grey
  • Dimensions: Height: 75 cm, Width: 75 cm, Depth: 70 cm
  • Frame Material: Solid Hardwood
  • Design Features: Fixed semi-rounded back, flat sprung seat, interior padding
  • Warranty: 5 Years Manufactured Warranty
  • Replacement Policy: 7 Days Replacement Policy
  • Delivery Time: 10-20 days (Made to Order)


  1. What material is used for the upholstery of the Plain Juan Tub Chair?
    The chair is upholstered in grey leatherette.

  2. What are the dimensions of the Plain Juan Tub Chair?
    The dimensions are Height: 75 cm, Width: 75 cm, Depth: 70 cm.

  3. What is the warranty and replacement policy for this chair?
    It comes with a 5-year manufactured warranty and a 7-day replacement policy.

For more information and customization, contact customer support at +91 7017968634. Timing: Monday to Saturday - 10 AM to 7 PM.